Q: Where can I find bus stop of Airport Bus at the Phuket International Airport?
Q: How much does it cost from/to Phuket International Airport to Phuket Town? How long does it take?
Q: Do you have bus service that goes straight from Phuket International Airport to Patong Beach, Kata Beach, or Karon Beach? And how much would it be?
Q: Do you have bus service that goes straight from Phuket International Airport to Rassada Pier to Phi Phi Island?
Q: Do I need to make reservation in advance?
Q: I arrive at 19:00hrs. Is your service still running at this time? And if so, where do I catch the bus from?
Q: I arrive at 23:35hrs. Is your service still running at this time?
Q: How can I go to Suratthani Province or Samui from Phuket?
Q: How can I go to Khaolak or Khaosok from Phuket?
Q: How can I go to Krabi from Phuket?
Q: Pls suggest good hostels
Q:Do you have Share-A-Ride or Join-in Ariport shuttle service?
Q: I want to go to Airport, but I don’t want to go to Phuket Bus Terminal. Can I hop on around Central Festival Phuket (as known as Central) or Big C?
Q:I want to travel in local Phuket Town with Songtheaw (OrBorJor) pink bus. Can you show me the map?